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Showing posts from April, 2014

[Shared Post] "Sergey's whine of many sanctions"

Zoe Dune posted: " Sergey's whine of many sanctions by Brandon McKinney I know this is a TLDR moment, but I was rather pleased with this comment I made on an article regarding Ukraine. I'd like to break down the pedantry of things said in order to extract the meaning. S" Zoe Dune ( shared a post from Survival Journalism “Sergey’s whine of many sanctions” by Zoe Dune ...

[Shared Post] "Development over democracy" (rant)

Zoe Dune posted: " I get it. The landscape needs improvement, but the drastic raising of rent is one of these games developers play that don't give the tenants time to work things out.  Click image to read post and help fund this blog." Zoe Dune ( shared a post from Survival Journalism “Development over democracy” (rant) by Zoe Dune ...

[Shared Post] Low Blow #1

Zoe Dune posted: " "Rancher Cliven Bundy calls 'spade' a spade" I love it when dumb folks play their role right, well enough for sensitive factious and splintered parties to take another hit like the one they took today, when compost for brains Cliven Bundy, opened his l" Zoe Dune ( shared a post from Survival Journalism Low Blow #1 by Zoe Dune ...

Human Culture's To Blame For Dog Attacks

" A military police working dog attacks. " License Attribution Some rights reserved by Official U.S. Navy Imagery There was another news story about pit bull attacks recently. A woman in her eighties was killed by two pit bulls who had been locked in the back room by her son. Two of eight dogs in the back room. Anyone and everyone has cherry picked whatever information they want to out of this, but as a person who's lived in communities and cultures of desperation, I've seen that the real problem is the culture , which is still a human creation. This link explains it all.

#citizensforpresident open

Hello everybody! Let's get down to brass tax. The recent news about unlimited spending on candidates certain and surely and positively does one thing, and that's draw a line between people who can't spend unlimited amounts (you and me) and people who can (no one you or I know.) So with that, I opened this little hashtag for regular people (you and I) who could represent us over big interest, because you either vote for the person special interest bought out or you vote for the people. We doing this thing or what? We're all people here. real people.