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Showing posts from March, 2017

Affordable Care Act Repeal Delay Hides GOP 'Martial Law' Effort to Pass

Embed from Getty Images After seven years of Republicans trying to defeat the Affordable Care Act , their opportunity to immediately repeal the law was delayed by their own faction of right-wing extremists within their own body on Thursday. According to The Washington Post -- one of many media outlets reporting from Capitol Hill -- delaying the repeal of the Affordable Care Act was a confrontation that Republicans made by themselves. Those extremist right-wing elements in the party reportedly feel pressured by their constituents to cut a better deal. But it's not very clear to many Americans that with Republicans messing with the Affordable Care Act, that they're going to help "improve" it. The Post's report on the "embarrassment" says that earlier in the week, House leaders were making some last minute adjustments to pass the bill, but they weren't adjustments that would improve the bill itself but rather to improve ways they c...

Sen. Leahy, Emoluments Clause and 'Smug Judge' Neil Gorsuch

Embed from Getty Images ( Esquire ) - Since hearings for judge Neil Gorsuch started, the Senate Judiciary Committee -- as well as the rest of America -- has seen Gorsuch's personality on display. Esquire  details a series of questioning from Democrat Patrick Leahy that brought up President Trump's violation of the emoluments clause. Specifically, what he thought it meant. The article draws out quotes from Gorsuch where he sometimes seemed condescending in his answer or elusive in providing his opinion, knowing that at the very least, it was being "evaluated" over the current president. "Well, I am hesitant to discuss any part of the Constitution to the extent we're talking about a case that's likely to come before a court, pending or impending." The condescending part of his response is that no one knew what the Emolument Clause was until recently. Embed from Getty Images Giving Gorsuch a hard time in a hearing under the mo...

Petition to Stop Neil Gorsuch Confirmation

screenshot of the petition page A petition from is making its rounds to put a stop to President Trump's pick for Supreme Court justice, judge Neil Gorsuch. For every signature, three more are added. Here is the link .