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Can We Be Done With This Anti-Obamacare Scare?

Attribution Some rights reserved by Lori L. Stalteri

It's everywhere now. John Barrasso smelled something in the kitchen and thinks it's Democrats cooking the books.

Let's go ahead and make this a pot luck shall we? I'm bringing a dish called John Barrasso is a fucking idiot. Rather than mince the words, I threw them in whole.

Like everyone else, I just started signing up for healthcare at the last minute.

These guys just won't stop. Every opportunity, they try to muck up the works! I'm referring to these rethuglicans who just don't want to do anything but tell us that hell is round the corner.

Sebelius has been in Texas as I'm sure we all know, as there's nothing wrong with the administration beating the bushes to get people to sign up for this thing. Impending doom? A great disaster? It's exhausting and a great waste of time to get caught up in the spin cycle of opposition.

To the other end we have the privatization of healthcare, which is another scare tactic. Look, there is nothing but straight up reform and overhaul of everything that's been built over the past several decades and I don't know of any industry that doesn't already have access to the national treasury in one form or another who's gonna let that happen and it would take years and more decades to take it down.

Remember juggernaut in X-men? Once he gets going, you can't stop him. Best to just get out of the way.

But these nut-jobs want to try and play themselves as the little people. Grassroots. Texas tea. But they're not.

We in the middle, are doing what we can and are sick of this crap. I'm not alone on this, am I?

I just called the marketplace phone number and got the recording to call back later. No big deal, everybody just chill out!


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