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Details About This Blog Project

I want to point out a few things about this blog that will clarify what exactly we want to do. We're just another voice among Texans who want to comment on the goings on of this state, because we don't know what the pulse is like here, since it's all muddled up with rhetoric and politics.

Obviously there are other things going on that are of interest but we have the mid-terms this year and we're definitely in dire need of some change that keeps up with the changes going on in the mindset of a new generation. I don't know that we have enough coverage here that makes this as simple and cohesive as they should be. Every thing's divided up.

I'm interested in my state and the people in it and I want to contribute to the best of my ability, that's why I want to tell you about this plan I've got.

How I Fund This Blog

I spend a lot of time writing about all the things that interest me and I'm passionate about each and every one of them. The problem is that I have a lot of interests over many many subjects, and I spent all day and every day researching, reading and writing about all of these passions.

Just like the consensus in this state, I divide up my writing and put them into different blogs, which are funded by advertisers. I get a piece of that depending on the traffic I earn. This is so that I can fund little projects like this blog, which we're at the beginning of.

Being that this has largely been a conservative state, they'd be happy to know that this is a Texan who walks by the pulling of boot straps. So when you see links posted to other posts elsewhere, those posts fund Survival Journalism.

I'm pretty sure you agree that there's a lot of wacky shit going on for these mid-terms right now, stuff I want to talk about and good people that I want to focus on. In the next couple of months come hell or high water, I'm gonna start a podcast as a forum where we can all talk more about these things so we can see and show people what Texas is really like.


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